class Game attr_reader :map, :round def initialize(max_x,max_y,input) @map = [] @max_x = max_x @max_y = max_y @round = 0 max_x.times do |i| col = [] max_y.times do |j| if input.include? [i,j] col << 1 else col << 0 end end map << col end end def tick @round += 1 calculate return map end private attr_reader :max_x, :max_y def calculate new_map = [] max_x.times do |x| col = [] max_y.times do |y| new_cell_value = check_cell(x,y,map) col << new_cell_value end new_map << col end @map = new_map end def check_cell(x,y,map) adjacent_count = cell_value(map,x+1,y+1) + cell_value(map,x+1,y) + cell_value(map,x+1,y-1) + cell_value(map,x,y+1) + cell_value(map,x,y-1) + cell_value(map,x-1,y+1) + cell_value(map,x-1,y) + cell_value(map,x-1,y-1) is_live_cell = map[x][y] == 1 if is_live_cell return adjacent_count == 2 || adjacent_count == 3 ? 1 : 0 else # dead_cell return adjacent_count == 3 ? 1 : 0 end end def cell_value(map,x,y) return 0 if x > max_x - 1 || x < 0 return 0 if y > max_y - 1 || y < 0 map[x][y] end def print_map puts "\n--- the map ---" max_y.times do |y| max_x.times do |x| char = map[x][y] == 1 ? "#" : "." print char end print "\n" end end end MAX_X = 40 MAX_Y = 24 BLOCK_SIZE = (1280/MAX_X).round INPUT = [ [9,9], [10,10], [9,11], [11,11], [9,12], [11,12], [13,13], [14,13], [15,13], [16,13], [16,15], [16,16], [17,17], ] SPEED = 0.3 # every second TICK_FOR_STEP = (SPEED * 60).round def tick args args.outputs.labels << [640, 500, 'Conways game of life', 5, 1] # args.outputs.labels << [640, 460, 'Go to docs/docs.html and read it!', 5, 1] # args.outputs.labels << [640, 420, 'Join the Discord!', 5, 1] # args.outputs.sprites << [576, 280, 128, 101, 'dragonruby.png'] game = if game.nil? game =,MAX_Y,INPUT) = game end args.outputs.solids << [ 0, 0, MAX_X*BLOCK_SIZE, MAX_Y*BLOCK_SIZE, 164, 212, 220, 128] if args.state.tick_count % TICK_FOR_STEP == 0 game.tick end MAX_X.times do |x| MAX_Y.times do |y| live_cell =[x][y] == 1 ? true : false args.outputs.solids << [ x*BLOCK_SIZE, y*BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, 219, 163, 211, 255] if live_cell end end args.outputs.labels << [640, 600, "Round ##{game.round}", 5, 1] # args.outputs.labels << [640, 700, "Tick count ##{args.state.tick_count}", 5, 1] # args.outputs.labels << [10, 710, "framerate: #{args.gtk.current_framerate.round}"] # render # X Y WIDTH HEIGHT RED GREEN BLUE ALPHA end